Do Bats Like Light at Night? Do They Like Light or Dark?

Many people believe that bats are driven away by sources of light, and that's why those light-up deterrent devices seem to be so popular ... despite the fact they rarely work. Bats don't seem to like lights, particularly bright lights, and this applies to both natural and artificial lighting sources. Their eyes aren't well adapted to dealing with bright lighting conditions, and being nocturnal, they do their best work at night. This applies to flying, finding food, and much more besides.

Do Bats Like Light or Dark? They are nocturnal. They like the dark!

It has been shown that bats will avoid spaces that are filled with bright lights, so an attic that is dark and rarely visited or disturbed by homeowners makes for the perfect home. In cases such as these, you can turn the lights on to try and drive the animals away, but this can have a detrimental effect. It can actually cause the rats to just delve deeper into your home, getting into the areas you can't reach. As you can probably imagine, that will make getting rid of them again quite hard work. These bats are much smaller than you are, and they can get into spaces that you would never fit in. You're going to need tools and knowledge to help you get a colony of bats out of your attic, and that's why we would always recommend calling in the professionals.

Despite bats not liking bright lights, light producing deterrents designed for bats and other wild animals seldom work. As we have previously mentioned, the lights can drive the bats into a much harder to access spot in your attic or home, and maybe even into wall cavities. If bats and other wild animals get into your wall cavities, you will generally need to cut actual sections of your wall out in order to remove the creatures hiding within. We're sure you don't fancy ripping out entire sections of drywall.

On top of that, you need to remember that you will need to have these lights on constantly in order to drive the creatures out, and that will have an impact on your electricity / lighting bill. And that's before you think about how you're going to rig lighting up in your attic if you don't have some up there already.

Will Bright lights keep bats away? Bats do avoid light, both artificial and natural, but that doesn't mean lights are going to help you eradicate a colony within your home. It takes great skill to remove a bat colony from an attic, for example, but it's a skill that we have mastered. We can successfully get the entire colony of bats from your home or commercial property, without even harming just one. We pride ourselves on our humane bat removal, as wells the removal of many other wild animals, and if you have a bat problem on your hands, give us a call today. These lighting machines won't work, but our tried and tested techniques sure will.

Are bats attracted to light at night time? No, they're not moths! However, if the lights do lure in moths or other insects, that can draw in bats, who want a tasty insect meal.

Learn more about Bats in the attic