Raccoons in the Attic

Education - Raccoons in the Attic

Probably the most common human - wildlife conflict nationwide - raccoons in the attic. These capable rodents love to chew their way into your house and raise their young there.

How to Keep Raccoons Away - Raccoon Prevention Tips

This site is primarily about raccoons that get into the attic or some other part of the home, like the eaves, chimney, etc. In that case, prevention is very simple, straightforward, and effective. Simply inspect your house and find all the possible openings that serve as entry holes, and perform home repairs to shut these holes! Voila, no more raccoon problem! That's how you keep away raccoons permanently! If it's a matter of raccoons in your yard or garden or simply on your roof, then it's quite a bit harder. Raccoon repellent is a myth, and doesn't work. Keeping them out of your yard is almost impossible. You can keep them out of specific trouble areas like a swimming pool, or garbage cans, or pet door with physical deterrents. For example, bungee cords will hold the trash can lids tight. Or you can install planks of wood with long nails sticking up to prevent them from walking on the pool steps. Best of all, you can elminiate whatever is attracting them to the property to begin with! For example, you can bring pet food indoors, if that's what they're coming around for. But if it's your house they are interested in, then the best way to keep raccoons away is to make sure they can't get into your attic. Other than that, raccoon trapping is a way to remove unwanted raccoons from the property.

Photo Examples of How to Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

Home Inspection

Find any open raccoon holes like this, and seal them shut! Of course, if you already have raccoons in your attic, you have to get them out before you seal the holes.

Is Something Attracting Them?

Maybe you have a nice wood porch, wide open around the perimeter, that they want to live under. Install lattice or steel screen around the perimeter to eliminate this tempting area.

Open Chimney Flu?

This is another attractive feature on your property. Make sure you have no open areas that will lure in raccoons. In this case, a nice steel chimney cap does the trick.

Keep Garbage Contained

Bungee down garbage can lids. Keep pet food indoors. Make sure bird feeders are out of reach. Put screen in fish ponds. Eliminate whatever is attracting them.

Information About Raccoon Prevention and How to Keep Raccoons Away

Raccoon Prevention Tips To Keep Raccoons Away - If raccoons manage to get on your property, they can cause all sorts of damage. These mammals are known for their opportunistic feeding habits which include nearly anything and everything. That means that if you have a hungry raccoon near your home, they may open up your garbage cans in search of a snack or make a mess of your bird feeder. If you have a garden, they will nibble on your plants, whether they are flowers, fruits, or vegetables. The best way to avoid these problems is some preventative action to keep raccoons away in the first place.

When installed correctly, you can use fences to prevent raccoons from getting into your home, but you have to be smart about it. Their dexterous fingers make them great climbers and diggers, so you will have to bury the fence a bit underground and make it tall, or be sure it has a roof.

Home Repairs
If you don’t want raccoons to get into your house, the best method of stopping them is to make sure there are no available entries. Seal up any holes that lead into your home, regardless of their size. Just be sure to check for raccoons or other wildlife inside your home before doing so; you don’t want to accidentally trap an animal inside. Seal holes with a 16-gauge mesh with half-inch openings. Be sure to install a heavy steel chimney cap to Keep Raccoons Out Of Your Chimney.

Natural Remedies And Repellents
All it takes is a quick online search to find dozens of so-called raccoon repellents, including store bought chemicals and natural remedies. Experts will tell you that none of these products actually work. Instead, they will essentially be a waste of money. Most professionals will know of perhaps one or two repellents that occasionally work, but only recommend them in certain situations if it becomes necessary.

Although natural remedies like predator urine and human hair won’t typically work to keep away raccoons either, they tend to be more affordable. Because of this, if you really want to try a repellent, opt for a natural remedy. It will be a smaller investment and have no negative consequences on the environment or to your health, which may be the case with certain chemical-based repellents.

Noise Machines And Sprinklers
In addition to scented natural remedies and repellents, you will also find options like noise machines and motion-activated lights or sprinklers. Motion-activated sprinklers and lights may work the first few times, but isn’t guaranteed to and the animals will typically come back within a short amount of time. The sound machines are even less effective. They claim to operate at a level that humans can’t hear but animals like raccoons can. The idea is that they will annoy the raccoons and cause them to leave. Not only do the machines not keep the raccoons away, but many humans can actually hear them. This means you will be wasting money and annoying your neighbors if you buy these products.

If you are tempted by one of these methods, then consider using a radio instead. You simply set it up on a talk radio station and leave it where you don’t want the raccoons to go. They will think there are humans there and stay away. The issue, however, is that you need to leave it on all the time, wasting electricity and getting annoying. Worst of all, it may not even work.

Secure Garbage Cans
Because raccoons like the easy meal that your garbage can provides, one of the easiest ways to keep them off your property in the first place is by making sure they can’t get to your garbage. If you can, keep your garbage cans inside your garage at all times. Whether or not they are inside, make sure the lids are secured and can’t be opened, keeping in mind that raccoons are dexterous. You can opt for a lid that locks in place, put something heavy (and stable) on top of the can, or just latch the lid in place with some strategic bungee cords.

Clean Up Pet Food And Fallen Fruit, Etc.
Raccoons see pet food that is left outside or fallen fruits and nuts as an invitation. Because of this, simply taking steps to minimize these attractants can help prevent raccoons from turning your property into a den or buffet. Keep your pet food inside and only put it out when your dog or cat is actually eating. Take the time to rake up fallen nuts and fruits regularly as well.

Prevention For Ponds And Pools
Whether you have a small decorative pond or a pool on your property, this can attract raccoons. They will particularly want any fish you have in your pond. The best way to stop them from getting in is to put large gauge steel mesh over the pond so the fish can hide. You can try covering your pool when it’s not in use or get creative with some planks of wood with nails sticking up on the steps to your pool.

The Bottom Line

How to prevent raccoons - outside is hard, and maybe trapping is the only option. But it's very easy to keep them away from your attic, by performing simple home repairs to seal shut open holes they can use to get in. Presumably you are visiting this website because you already have raccoons in your attic, but if they're just in your yard or garden, well, I actually don't have great advice for you other than trapping and removal. Just don't waste your time and money on ineffective repellent products.